Romain Tartière
Hacker, FLOSS Mercenary, FreeBSD developer (romain@), BOFH, love stuff from the 70's (e.g. UNIX, Japanese hard-rock) and Ruby.
Hi! I'm Romain Tartière and you're currently browsing the sub-part of the Internet where I introduce myself and host a few projects.
By day, I was a systems administrator for HealthGrid, an association which aimed to bring grid technologies to health and healthcare-related structures. Since the liquidation of the association, I am in the process of a Validation des Acquis de l'Experience.
By night, I am a FreeBSD enthusiast involved in Free/Libre Software activities and interested in various computer-science related technologies (and sometimes sleep a bit).
Son talk
Infrastructures à Clés Publiques
Nous irons au delà d'une simple description des moyens techniques permettant d'établir une garantie de confiance dans la validité d'une identité numérique.
Présenté lors de l'édition #33
Durée: 45 min
Filmé: oui